Looney Bin Fantasy Football?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by OldSchoolGentleman, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Hello Loonies! If you are interested in joining a fantasy football (NFL) league with other looney bin members, please post a message below.

    Here is my hard sell: My expectation is that this won't be a particularly serious league. I imagine a few teams will stop paying attention after a few weeks, as always seems to happen when you create a new league with strangers. I'd like to just set up a totally standard league with the simplest possible rules and let it ride. If we somehow get 10 good teams that play through the full 16 week year, that will be epic. Maybe this awesome community can do it.

    So, if you like the NFL and the Looney Bin, join up!
    If you want to learn to play, join up! It is easy to play, a lot of it is luck, and it only takes a few minutes a week.
    If you just want to see what the fuss is about, join up! Its fun!

    Here is the current list of interested folks. I will create a league if 8 people sign up. 10 usually makes for a good, competitive league, so that is what I am hoping we can get to.

    1. OldSchoolGentleman
    2. LordAmused
    3. JDFandango
    4. Thomasv43
    5. unlimitedjt
    6. Frankiec77
    7. FX178
    8. You?


    1. What is Fantasy Football? A game played by 50+ million people. You select real players on NFL rosters for your own "team". Their performance each week is converted into points for your team. Each week, your team is matched up against someone else's team, and the person whose team scores more points gets a win, and the other team takes a loss. Ties are possible, but quite rare. There are usually two playoff weeks where the top 4 teams play in a bracket to determine the league champion. I was skeptical about how this game could be fun, I tried it a few years back and am very glad I did, I have a ton of fun with it.

    2. How much time does it take? The NFL season starts September 10, 2015, week 16 (final fantasy football playoff week) concludes on December 27th. As for time you need to dedicate to each week, it varies from person to person. Casual players might spend 30 minutes a week if they are thorough. 10 minutes a week is probably the minimum to remain competitive. The season also begins with all teams participating in a "draft", which is when you select all your initial players. The draft lasts between 60 and 90 minutes.

    3. Can I play if I don't know anything about football? Yes, Fantasy Football involves a good amount of luck, so you always have a chance as long as you take 10 minutes during the week to tweak your starting roster. Plus, each week you will be able to see how your team is projected to do, which helps you decide which players to use.

    4. What if I have to miss a week? Again, plenty of luck is involved, it will be harder for you to win that week, but not at all impossible. I have lost to teams that had not been touched for weeks several times.

    5. How much does it cost to play? This will be a free league. You'll just need to create an account, no credit card info etc will be required.

    6. Do I have to be American to play? Nope.

    7. Do I have to watch the games to play? No, you can play in the league for the thrill of trying to beat your opponents. Most people find watching NFL games more interesting when they are rooting for (or against) specific players because they are on their (or their opponents) fantasy football team.

    8. What if one of my players gets hurt? This happens all the time! You have to realize they are going to miss weeks (maybe even the rest of the year) and act accordingly to put someone in their place. Injuries happen to everyone, finding replacements is part of the fun.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
  2. LordAmused

    LordAmused Fresh Meat

    Yes, I am interested. Count me in!
    OldSchoolGentleman likes this.
  3. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

  4. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    This is a great idea man. If I knew anything about the sport and were interested enough to follow it I would totally join. I hope enough ppl sign up!
    OldSchoolGentleman likes this.
  5. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    I hope enough people join too!

    FWIW, you don't need to watch a single minute of football to play FF. The sites themselves have all the information you could possibly want to have a competitive team.
  6. JDFandango

    JDFandango Lurker

    Sign me up please!
  7. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Added! :p
  8. Thomasv43

    Thomasv43 Fresh Meat

    I want to join
  9. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    I'll join
  10. Thomasv43

    Thomasv43 Fresh Meat

    Can I play
  11. Frankiec77

    Frankiec77 Fresh Meat

  12. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator




    Thanks for signing up guys!
  13. excessnet

    excessnet Lurker

    I dont really know that, but I would join the No Fire League if needed.
  14. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Huh? lowcoLost
  15. FX178

    FX178 Fresh Meat

    I want to play. I'm from Europe and only sport I somewhat follow is NFL. Giants fan, hope this year they'll improve.
  16. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    They picked it up quite a bit last year, and the division should be more open this year, so there is definitely hope.

  17. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Hey Everybody! We would need to set a date for the draft asap to make the league happen. Here is a rundown of the facts:
    • First real games are played on Thursday Sept. 10th
    • It is not 100% necessary for everyone to be there for the draft, but I would like to accommodate as many people as possible
    • The folks involved have a 5+ hour time difference
    • My thinking is that weekdays are tough but Saturdays/Sundays will be tough with people doing other things
    Ideally, we could draft on September 5th or 6th so we can do so at a reasonable hour (maybe around noon EST?). If people have too many other obligations those days, we can try weekdays if US folks can draft during work, or if EU folks can stay up late. Let me know what you think. I'll try to get person #8 early this week.
  18. JDFandango

    JDFandango Lurker

    Noon EST or later on the 5th or 6th works for me.

    Can't make week days before 14:00 EST, but after that is ok.
  19. OldSchoolGentleman

    OldSchoolGentleman Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Got it, thanks JD!

    I think I'll pull the trigger and set up a league drafting on Saturday at noon EST. Throughout the week I'll announce that we still need at least one more person and that people should just jump straight into the league if they are interested. If Sunday turns out to be a better day, I can then reschedule. If we are able to get 8 people to sign up, great, we'll go for it. If not, we can try again next year.

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