ARK Looneybin Server Thread

Discussion in 'General Game Talk' started by lolercaustic, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. ApolloCreed32

    ApolloCreed32 Lurker

    Building a roof on a base is the process of building a complete base. Why would you build something half way and stop? Thats like leaving a door open. It took me less than an hour to put a wooden roof on my 10x10 new house that I built. Though I do see where you are coming from with the new player aspect.
    Have you killed the broodmother? If you haven't theres still high lvl content for you to reach. On top of them adding more end game bosses.
  2. lolercaustic

    lolercaustic Lurker

    From what I said to being with is what I want. I know that i'm not going to be able to get what I want truly from this server so I am willing to compromise.
  3. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    I can understand Schapie and that, IMO shows a problem with ARK itself. It stills in EA so there's plenty of stuff left to update, change etc...I think that first of all they should slow down levelling up, it's way too fast and harder dinos should be even more harder, rare or high level to take. This could give a better challenge in the long run online for people to stick around and REALLY work together to tame a specific dinosaur.

    Also, if you are high level what good does it go and raid people when you probably don't need their loot and basically make lowest level players mad because they lose almost everything they need? That just shows that the game is EA and it doesn't have a ton of content yet. :)
  4. lolercaustic

    lolercaustic Lurker

    because these players have metal ingots. Metal ingots to fortify their base. Metal ingots that people arent using to make metal walls. Seeeee my points come back full circle didn't they? Experience and fortification.
  5. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    And it goes back to: what about people don't expect to be raided and don't care about updating their base because raiding and PvP is not their point? You're right, it's just a circle.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  6. iSpeZz

    iSpeZz Lurker

    i dont mind going to pve i just dont want the server wipe i rather the server be turned into pve rather then it be wiped so my vote is turn to PVE but no wipe
  7. MORGsmash

    MORGsmash Lurker

    Lowco is paying for a 100-slot server, right? What about 2 50-slot servers instead? 1 pvp and 1 pve

    if Lowco likes that idea, I volunteer to help with server admin cuz 2 servers is alot more work than one. what do you guys think? too much?

    I also wonder if we should pass the hat as it were, so that Lowco doesn't have to shoulder the cost of a 100-slot server alone
  8. Lowco2525

    Lowco2525 Administrator Staff Member Moderator WebSub Twitch Sub

    After careful consideration and deliberation, this is our current solution to the ARK server:

    Starting July 1st, the server will be half PvP and half PvE. There will be NO wipe. Raiding will still be outlawed on the server.

    Long 0-50 will be PvP [West Coast]
    Long 51-90 will be PvE [East Coast]


    Starting immediately, the server will be changed to PvE only to allow for players to relocate to their desired half of the map. On July 1st we will re-open the map to PvP with the new rules.

    In addition, effective immediately we are enabling the "Players on Map" feature that should show you where you are, so there can't be any confusion of killing someone on the wrong side of the map.

    We feel this is the best compromise to appeal to the two types of players on our server. It's impossible to accommodate everyone's needs, just remember, this is a COMMUNITY server. We want to do what's best for everyone to have fun playing with each other. So if the new rules don't appeal to you, I'm sorry, but there are plenty of other servers out there that may be better suited for you.

    Thanks for understanding!
    MORGsmash and undeadsky like this.
  9. ApolloCreed32

    ApolloCreed32 Lurker


    No RITOing please, these forums are a place of peace and tranquillity.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2015
    MORGsmash likes this.
  10. undeadsky

    undeadsky Lurker

    woot Nice

    So Nice Just Login To the Ark Server Looks Like ore Base Got Raided I forgot to Close The Door And they Kild 50% of My tribe's Dino's And stole all there Items While ALL THE Dino's are On Neurtal Since when are they allowd to Kill DINO"s in The PVE Part Of the Map please Explain Could Someone FIND OUT who did this and Punsih then !?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2015
  11. chrisdash

    chrisdash Lurker

    From my POV the server is very friendly compared to the other (public) servers I've seen. Apart from someone (Schapie?) T-Rexing my hut at the river near Hidden Raiders' main base I haven't had any encounters. OK, Lowco threw herself off the ridge at our southeast base once, but that didn't do much damage. :D

    Hard PvE settings would take away from the immersion and tension. I'd prefer PvP with extra rules, for example: raids only allowed if both parties declare war on each other. Or divide the map half PvE, half PvP. Or allow PvP in caves only.
  12. Tuxzilla

    Tuxzilla Lurker

    Wouldn't mine taming speed being sped up. :)
    Neophantomzero and undeadsky like this.
  13. Slightly shorter nights would be nice. :-D
  14. iSpeZz

    iSpeZz Lurker

    i agreee with TUX these high lvl dinos take too long to tam lowco should decrease the taming time if possible
  15. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    I don't think the admin of the server can do that. It's probably in-game.
  16. iSpeZz

    iSpeZz Lurker

    phil there is admin option when u buy a server that u can do that even on ark steam page they posted u can do it
  17. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

  18. undeadsky

    undeadsky Lurker

  19. Neophantomzero

    Neophantomzero Fresh Meat

    I've been reading up the community hub and most privates that do go hardcore maintain a faster tame rate to maintain its ratio to normal gameplay. Since the levels can reach up to 3x the max (90) most dinos roughly take 6+ hours to tame without an increase whereas comparing it to regular with a max of 30 those take up to 2-3 hours which is reasonable (no boost). Course if you still want to make it reasonably challenging since the slider moves up to 3x you can make it 2.5 or even 2 but I do agree we need to somewhat reduce that long 6hr tame that cuts a lot into people's priorities
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    undeadsky likes this.
  20. Moffdawwwg

    Moffdawwwg Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    The only dino's you really need to tame at max level (90) are carnivores, if you're proactive enough you'll be able to farm the primes to massively reduce the tame time anyway so I don't think there's a need to mess around with reducing taming times. The only thing reducing taming time will do is give everyone every dino, you won't have to worry about what's best or the trade off's of each dino because you'll have them all... that's boring, to me at least. I play on a server with 5x reduction to taming times, just because all i want to do is build, and it honestly takes the fun out of having your own dino's because you don't have the same sort of investment in them.

    You need to ask yourself, do you need that high level dino, or can you do with a normal level one? That's how the server should be, instead of gifting everyone massively powerful dino's.

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