[A complete quote list as of 9th Aug 2015 - Courtesy of Koekie, the lovable Mod. Inspired by ChristopherClink] Updated December 17th. Includes first 200 quotes with new bot quote#s -OSG 1 "The worst part is you're a man" -Lowco2525#ShotsFired 2 My favorite anime is pokemon. -Lowco2525 3 "I am so hurt, I trusted you guys" -Lowco2525 4 "What are you talking about, I'm a good person!" -Lowco2525 5 "That man has a hoe, I don't even stand a chance" -Lowco2525 6 "Oh my gosh zombie, kill me already lady!" -Lowco2525 7 "Are you going to shoot me in the face?" *gunshot to the face* -Lowco2525 8 "I promise i do do things." -Lowco 9 "No,no,no. I'm not even going to kill you. I'm gonna leave you there and take your axe... If you have one" -Lowco2525 10 "Oh my gosh! You are not the smartest are you?" -Lowco2525 11 "Hurry, hurry, hurry! Come, come, come!" ~Lowco2525 12 "Woody, you're abusing the quote system" -Lowco2525 13 "Alright I shot the grill, are you happy now?!?!" ~Koekiemonstr 14 "Okay, you feel me, I feel you" ~Lowco2525 15 "Oh yeah I got it, I don't betray my friends." ~Lowco2525 16 "Oh I just, I just, I just... yeah, right in the crotch." ~Lowco2525 17 "Why does this always happen to me?" ~Lowco2525 18 "Snap, crackle, pop! Wooooo!" ~Lowco2525 19 "I'm not playing nice anymore! I gotta reload first thought..." ~Lowco2525 20 "I blame you.... If my partner were better I wouldn't die as much." ~Lowco2525 21 "Oh my gosh! Can i kill someone please?!?! ~Lowco2525 22 "Just went in and out, boom!" ~Lowco2525 23 "No! My gosh! So inappropro!" ~Lowco2525 24 "I like it when people aren't playing. I have a chance at winning." ~Lowco2525 25 "Oh my gosh! This lady was harder to take down than the guys." ~Lowco2525 26 "Come at me bro! Poke, poke, poke! You're gonna die!" ~Lowco2525 27 "Alright, let's do this right! Let's go to a church." ~Lowco2525 28 "You did not get naked for me!" ~Lowco2525 29 "Oh woah! I got the matrix on my side!" ~Lowco2525 30 "Holy gosh! I am a big boy, I am a big boy!" ~Lowco2525 31 "I'm not crying, it's just my eyes... They're sensitive." ~Lowco2525 32 "We suck! We really really suck!" ~Lowco2525 33 "Why do I always get into the shitty teams!" ~Lowco2525 34 "Why are we going so fast? Do we need to go this fast? Is it necessary to go this fast?" ~Lowco2525 35 "Damn it! Damn it! But I put bullets in him!!!" ~Lowco2525 36 "He was wiggling the butt. That's cool." ~Lowco2525 37 "I'm good at killing my self and dying, and getting shot and explosions." ~Lowco2525 38 "These zombies are hanging out in groups, they're being social." ~Lowco2525 39 "Dongers are tasty" ~Koekiemonstr 40 "I'm just a new, that's all." ~Lowco2525 41 "I'm better at this, I know! I'm sucking right now." ~Lowco2525 42 "Awww Yeaaahhh, you're messing with the wrong lady, don't you know i'm Loco!" ~Lowco2525 43 "I'm good at killing people! Which... Isn't really true..." ~Lowco2525 44 "I'll get cat years" -lowco2525 45 "I like to twerk on stream." ~Lowco2525 46 "Oops, this is not my rocket launcher" -Lowco2525 47 "I'm just looking for action" ~Lowco2525 48 "I don't know if that was the best plan. Uhhhm, running straight into the enemy." ~Lowco2525 49 "It's a game guys, I swear it's an actual game" ~Lowco2525 50 "What is this song? It is too slow, you are voted off the island. Next!" ~Lowco2525 51 "This idiot *gets killed* Damnit!" ~Lowco2525 52 "I'm a noob guys, don't expect pro tips." ~Lowco2525 53 "I don't even have my thing up!" ~Lowco2525 54 "I just assumed we lost." ~Lowco2525 55 "Meow meow meow confirmed" ~Lowco2525 56 "Can I, can I hit someone?" ~Lowco2525 57 "Are my bullets made of like freakin' air?" ~Lowco2525 58 "If you guys want to see some pro play, just click the back button and maybe you'll find some good players" ~Lowco2525 59 "I'm gonna zeus somebody, that sounds perverted..." ~Lowco2525 60 "Guys, everyone come to me and look at my beautiful beautiful skin." ~Lowco2525 61 "I'm admiring my big gun" ~Lowco2525 62 "Holy Crapamoly!" ~Lowco2525 63 "Guys! Come here and look at my gun." ~Lowco2525 64 "I just shot that guy's anus up." ~Lowco2525 65 "We need to vent out our feelings for this match" ~Koekiemonstr 66 "You can take my clothes, but you can't have me alive... I don't know." ~ Lowco2525 67 "Went to get a pizza, and there were 10 guys outside smoking. So now im stoned as hell so thats cool" -koekiemonstr 68 "I've probably murdered a million people. More or less..." ~Lowco2525 69 "I'm not in last place, that's a plus!" ~Lowco2525 70 "If you're young, don't speed!" ~Lowco2525 71 "Never text and drive, it's very bad and dumb." ~Lowco2525 72 "If I can play better, I'll definitely blame my old crosshairs." ~Lowco2525 73 "These bots are way too good" -Lowco2525 74 "Oh mother of butter!" ~apollocreed32 75 "Nice try buddy, but you missed!!!" ~Lowco2525 76 "Oh my god, they have Nicolas Cage? I don't like him very much to be honest..." ~Lowco2525 77 "Oh my gosh! I suck!!!" ~Lowco2525 78 "Let's get eyes on crack" ~Lowco2525 79 "That tree over there... that's a dude" -koekiemonstr 80 "I love blowing shit up. It's great!" -lowco2525 81 "It's the long dong of communism, run!" ~Apollocreed32 82 "Boom baby! Buh-Bye! And that was my last rocket too" ~Lowco2525 83 "Oh my gosh , get out of this hole! Get out of this hole!" ~Lowco2525 84 "Alright, I'll get in yuor thing, just stop honking me!" ~Lowco2525 85 "I can't get it up anymore" ~Koekiemonstr 86 "I won't sit on random vehicles ever again, I learned my lesson." ~Lowco2525 87 "This is one of the strangest streams I've ever watched, but it's oddly entertaining" - Dyce_Amadeus_Archimedes 88 "So, we're gonna win now... Right? Right?" ~Koekiemonstr 89 "We've been playing with ourselves for like months!" ~Lowco2525 90 "Ooohhh, get pwned!" ~Lowco2525 91 "I know right? I can't stop staring at it." ~lowco2525 92 "I spent the whole night with Narsil and his voice." ~Koekiemonstr 93 "Oh my god! I'm such a bad shot! I need a close range sniper noscope" -Lowco2525 94 "I don't have wood, how do I get wood?" ~Lowco2525 95 "I need wood! I'm sorry, i can't help it!" ~Lowco2525 96 "Wow this person is really artistic, a skill that doesn't really matter..." ~Lowco2525 97 "Koekie you've made so many potatoes. Like 400 potatoes." -lowco2525 98 "Koekie is a potato. That's why he's so good at making potatoes" -Lowco2525 99 "Oh my gosh, my virgin eyes!" ~Lowco2525 100 "What a turd-muffin!" ~lowco2525 ... [Part 2 below]
[Part 2] 101 "Turn that frown upside down! We're going to be dating pigeons today!" ~Lowco2525 102 "I have riding experience." ~Lowco2525 103 "I'm not funny really, I just die alot." ~lowco2525 104 "Oh god! Please Gabe, give me strength!" ~apollocreed32 105 "Woddy, pla." -lowco2525 106 "Why are you looking at us? I know I look good but damn." ~Lowco2525 107 "I would love to blame my chat for my deaths." ~Lowco2525 108 "Oh butter balls! Captain Kawaii is down! I got killed by Diabeetus!" -Lowco2525 109 "I was in an awkward situation and I saw a guy, I didn't know what to do." ~Lowco2525 110 "Woohoo I used a toilet!" -lowco2525 111 "Is this the hole I came out of?" Lowco2525 112 "I'll do that tomorrow dego, tonight it's just a cream for before I sleep" -cornyjoker 113 "I feel like I know what you're saying, but I'm not actually listening" -lowco2525 114 "I was so ready to pounce on that guy" -Lowco2525 115 "I'm not a kid in shorts, I'm a grown man!" ~Lowco2525 116 "Yo, these peaches are the bomb man, these peaches are the bomb dot com guys! The world is so round! The world is so round!" ~Lowco2525 #stoned 117 "Oh no someone just game me marijuana! Oh no, I just did marijuana. I gotta get rid of the evidence. What's crackalackalin' guys, I need some munchies man. I want some munchies man, I want some cheetos man." ~Lowco2525 #stoned 118 "Oh my gosh, don't poke me with that!" ~Lowco2525 119 "No, don't stop farting! I love your farts!" ~Lowco2525 120 "Gotcha Lady!" ~Lowco2525 121 "I tried... I tried to woo Sacriel!" ~Lowco2525 122 "What's going on here? I'm being surrounded by a group of men!" ~Lowco2525 123 "I swim like a mermaid!" ~Lowco2525 124 "What the heck? What's wrong with my butt?" ~Lowco2525 125 "I mounted someone else's person!" ~Lowco2525 126 "My fats are the best!" ~Lowco2525 127 "That's not gandlaf" -Apollocreed32 128 "I'm mradonexus' thing-ma-jig" -Shiro412 129 "We could do that, but it makes my hands crampy." ~Lowco2525 130 "No one would ever attack a naked lady! ~Lowco2525 131 "Unfortunately Ashrak, Im gonna be naked for now. Im going out adventuring!" -lowco2525 132 "Look at how tiny our freezer is, I can't even fit my head in there" -Shiro 133 "That looks like an older, completely differenct version of him! -Lowco2525 134 "Can you take me to the dead bodies I missed while I was away?" -lowco2525 135 "I dream about your voice in Wood'y body Narsil." -Koekiemonstr 136 "I wish there was a follow button so i could follow koekie in his every footstep" -lowco2525 137 "Guys im like a freaking turtle, why am I so slowww?" -lowco2525 138 "They are currently plants a couple baggies in your heskelpopper" - Jbrwokyruges 139 "Where did you guys get your cop training from, McDonalds?" -lowco2525 140 "Lowco is 22 going on puberty" ~Mystic333 141 "I feel so much better about myself. I'm not a loser!" -Mystic333 142 "Unfortunately they don't allow cannibalism in this game... So unrealistic." ~Lowco2525 143 "No, you don't need reinforcements. You need an arrow in your face!" ~Lowco2525 144 "I have an officer's cap? No this is a captain's hat. I'm not an officer." - Lowco2525 145 "Announcing that you're leaving a stream because you don't like the game is like telling everyone you're leaving a party you weren't invited to." ~CrochetChick 146 "What am I doing with my life!?" ~Lowco2525 147 "I may have pushed something, but I don't know what it does." -Lowco2525 [Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel] 148 "Why am I a dumb?" -Lowc2525 [Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel] 149 "Who needs stairs when you've got skills?" ~Lowco2525 [BorderLands: The Pre-Sequel] 150 "Wow! Narsil actually did something... That's awesome." ~Lowco2525 151 "Is this gonna make me a better person?" ~Lowco2525 [Planetside 2] 152 "I'm not ashamed... Ill just sleep with everyone in the game... YOLO." -Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 153 "This game is making me a little promiscuous... OH GOD! Put your clothes back on, lady!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 154 "I love being covered in blood, its great!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 155 " I can't be wrong. " -Lowco2525 156 "I never said that, I don't know who added those quotes" -Lowco2525 157 "Kill it from the butt Lowco, kill it from the butt!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 158 "I have arrows in my butt, it hurts. It really, really hurts!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 159 "Can I do that? Can I sleep with my entire party?" ~Lowco2525 [DragonAge: Origins] 160 "You guys all love Katy Perry, just admit it." ~Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 161 "Yeah Corny, I'm better than you." ~Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 162 "Is this a potato shotgun? Am I launching potatoes at people? Why am I not killing people?" ~Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 163 "You think Dego deserves an A? Maybe an A for Ass-munch!" ~Lowco2525 [PlanetSide2] 164 "Grumpy cat are you shedding for the winter? that doesn't even make sense!" ~Lowco2525 165 "I killed a bot, I have skills." ~Lowco2525 [Counterstrike: Global Offensive] 166 "Oh! Where's my face? My face is missing!" ~Lowco2525 [Evolve] 167 "I can't put my thing down!" ~Lowco2525 [Evolve] 168 "Shut your face hole! I'm going to kill you so hard right now!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 169 "Oh... I'm naked. Guys, don't look at my naked body!" ~Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 170 "There's a kitty cat! Is that abnormal?" -Lowco2525 [Dragon Age: Origins] 171 "Uuurgh! Aaargh! Ooooh! Waugh!" -MadDoctorsCat 172 "OH MY GOSH! I CAN BE A WOMAN! We're gonna be a... person. A super badass person." ~Lowco2525 [Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare] 173 [Quote 177/184] "Oh yeah, greasy mustache all the way" -Kiratze 174 "I'm like a moving turd!" ~DrMorningWoody [Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare] 175 "Kiratze, whats up with your armpits?" ~Koekiemonstr [Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare] 176 "Its only fun, if he's unconscious" ~Lowco2525 [DayZ] 177 "Show the world your bomb! Flaunt it!" -Lowco2525 [CSGO] 178 "The roof! The roof! The roof is literally on fire oh jesus christ!" -Lowco2525 [Far Cry 3] 179 "Woody is the biggest derp on this stream" -Lowco2525 [Far Cry 3: Return of Rude] 180 "I'm a good driver" -Lowco2525 [Far Cry 3] 181 "If we can beat them in the warm-up we can beat them IRL. And by IRL I mean in the game." ~Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 182 "I've concluded that we suck when we play on stream. Well, they do." ~Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 183 "HELL NO lets call of duty this shit!" -Koekiemonstr [DayZ] 184 "I hope that hobo doesn't attack me..." -Lowco2525 [This War of Mine] 185 "I vote for cannibalism and offer myself as tribute." Keltry 186 "RPG, I love you!" -Lowco2525 [Far Cry 4] 187 "Colon Cullen colon colon Cullen Cullon Colun Call-in Cologne Cullen" -Lowco2525 [DA:I] 188 "I am not... yes, I am salty..." -Lowco2525 [DayZ] 189 "I'm running South... Actually, I'm running East... Actually, I'm running West" -Lowco2525 [DayZ] 190 "I kinda alternate between being a man and a woman." -Lowco2525 [DayZ] 191 "Can you make tongue babies?" -Mystic333 192 "I'm the best microwave ever" -Lowco2525 [Goat Simulator] 193 "Woody, I'll pay you if I'm ever rich." -Lowco2525 194 "Have a thing for MEEEE!" - Lowco2525 [DA: I] 195 "OMG, what is happening?! Put your pants on!" -Lowco2525 [Dayz] 196 "You're bleeding out of so many stars right now!" -Lowco2525 [DayZ] 197 "Oh my Gwaad! I have ammo for my guaarn!" -Lowco2525 [Miscreated] 198 "Lowco, you live in the fricking ghetto!" -Adiana_Loveless [Rust] 199 "I also buy games depending on how many tata's I get to see." ~Drmorningwoody 200 "I'll just play some music to distract you guys... Why isn't the music playing?" -Lowco2525 Dec 2014 [Part 3 below]
[Part 3] 201 "You just find a hoe and put them in the ground" -Koekiemonstr [DayZ] 202 "I'm not a woman, I'm not a man... I'm... errr a mouse!" -Blackjack161 203 "I just like the sound of hitting Apollo in the face." -Lowco2525 [dayz] 204 "Streaming is lame." -Lowco2525 [Dayz] 205 "Get Ben Dover" -Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 206 "I only kill people if they attack me, or hostile, or I feel like it" Lowco2525 [Rust] 207 "Omg look at that icon below the nose... that is -definitely- a butt pooping!" -Lowco2525 [7 Days to Die] 208 "I don't like the snow, it freaks me out." -Lowco2525 [7 Days to Die] 209 "I used the pole! I used the pole!" -Lowco2525 [CS:GO] 210 "Can I get a fricking... Jesus... something!?" -Lowco2525 [CSGO] 211 "I'm AMERICAN and we can wear ugg's WHEREVER we want! Not like you Australians!" -Lowco2525 [On the topic of ugg's] 212 "The prison is cleaning up quite nice- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE" -Lowco2525 [Prison Architect] 213 "Lets go all Katniss on his ass" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 214 "Okay, his crotch is in my face. Get out of here!" -Lowco2525 [Evolve] 215 I just hate when after a full day of playing games i take of my mankini and see a bunch of tanlines over my body - Koekiemonstr 216 "It stays up for so long then just goes down and crushes my dreams." ~Lowco2525 217 "It really is satisfying to punch someone, and that's why I keep on doing it" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 218 "I'm just farting and pooping on everybody" -Lowco2525 lowcoF1 219 "I have been wrong once, it was tragic." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 220 "I'm like Katniss! Hear me roar!" ~Lowco2525 221 "We need to get a Koekie sucks at driving counter, because it would be over 9000!" ~Lowco2525 222 "I'm gonna guard the back door" -Lowco2525 [Payday 2] 223 "I'm gonna guard the backdoor... that sounded so inappropriate" -Lowco2525 [PayDay 2] 224 "Yayyy my hole!" -TuffDino35 225 "I would eat out of the garbage" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 226 "Lowco was my favorite.. she's the only one who made me cry when we hugged goodbye." -Preciouskitten 227 "Its all your fart- FAULT!" Lowco2525 [Dying Light] 228 "This guy sounds like My wife when she first wakes up." -Bruisedlee01 [Dying Light] 229 "I think I could fit in a duffel bag" -Lowco2525 [Dying Light] 230 "Moffdawwwg is the best, and I'm the worst" -Lowco2525 [Dying Light] 231 "I'm gonna quit streaming, this isn't my gig" -Lowco2525 [Dying Light] 232 "11/10 will not sleep tonight" - Philou0217 [Lowco's terrifying Paint skills] 233 "He's my slave, so he'll be your slave too" -Lowco2525 234 "Just think about it next time you want to eat a girl's meat... rabbit meat... RABBIT meat!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 235 "I've only killed two subs today" -Lowco2525 [Darkest Dungeon] 236 "Good job Woody!" -Lowco2525 237 "Apollo has so many problems" -Lowco2525 [Darkest Dungeon} 238 "#lowcoBeard2015 will happen if we hit 500 subs." - Lowco2525 [Promises, Promises] 239 "Totally worth losing a sub, we've got more!" -Lowco2525 [Darkest Dungeon] 240 "I respect everyone, except my mods... I abuse them... Its true, I do." -Lowco2525 241 "We got this. We got this! OH! What the hell?!" - Lowco2525 [Darkest Dungeon] 242 "Are we playing with Giantwaffle? No.. no... I want some waffles" -Lowco2525 [Evolve] 243 "My big toe is spazzing... is that a weird thing to say?" -Lowco2525 [Evolve] 244 "I think I'm safe guys. OMG!!! What the hell was that?! What the hell was that?!?! ARGHH!" - Lowco [H1Z1: Battle Royal] 245 "I don't know what you do on valentines day, but I like to mount my friends" -Lowco2525 [Mount Your Friends] 246 "I'm never taking a stupid car again! Stupid car, you good for nothing gagubahgahbah gufahgarbargharghh!" - Lowco2525, 2015 [H1Z1:BR] 247 "Does anyone read the bio downstairs?" -Lowco2525 248 "Lowco is from the state of infancy" -Archer1957 249 "Yeah, suck on our butts! Suck on our butts, man!" - Lowco2525, 2015 - [H1Z1:BR] 250 "Can you guys smell my BO?" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 251 "Ok, good luck. Oh wait, you're dead." - Lowco2525, 2015 - [H1Z1:BR] #ShotsFired #GamerGirl69 252 "They killed our girlfriend!" -Swedish guy AKA pancake [H1Z1] 253 "My chat wants me to kill you and use your body as fuel" -Towelliee [H1Z1] 254 "I'm starting to appreciate pistols since I don't have an AR.. wait, there's an AR screw pistols, pistols suck" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 255 "Don't mind me guys, I'm just an idiot." -Lowco2525 [Patreon Drawings] 256 "Wait for it... wait for it... it just takes a lot of strokes!" - Lowco2525, 2015 [Patreon Drawing] 257 "I've always wanted to be a male" -Lowco2525 [DBZ-X] 258 "His hair just went whooOOOP! whoooOOOP!" - Lowco2525, 2015 [DB:X] 259 "No-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-teamers!" - Lowco2525, 2015 [H1Z1:BR] 260 "Oh, that was Justin Bieber? I don't listen to his music like you guys, so I didn't know." - Lowco2525 #shotsFired 261 "Dego, you're just wrong today. Everything you say, just... wrong..." - Lowco2525 #shotsFired 262 "Should I ram him with my plasma?" -Lowco2525 [Dreadnought] 263 "Why are you happy? You have a cemetery in your backyard." - Lowco2525 [Cities:Skylines] 264 "The city is looking good so far OH GOD THERE'S FIRES" -Lowco2525 [Cities: Skylines] 265 "It's working! It's actually less red!" - Lowco2525 [Cities: Skylines] 266 "We'll just look at our butt and figure out what our skin tone is" - Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 267 "Is my butt distracting?" -Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 268 "Can you tell me where the largest population of chickens may be found? I have an, obsession."- Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 269 "Sattelizer, why is there a spear in the prisoner's buttock!?" -TangentGaming [Reign of Kings] 270 "Chicken chicken, winner dinner... I definitely said that wrong" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 271 "This is not a... horse race. This is a... carriage race!" - Lowco2525 [RoK] 272 "Dovyskull is handling all the meat." -Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 273 "I gotta work on my man voice." -Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 274 "I keep spawning in that guys butt" -Lowco2525 [Battlefield Hardline] 275 "I'll keep this helicopter afloat." -Lowco2525 [Battlefield Hardline] 276 "Personally I love being JPs mod. Kappa " - Lowco2525 277 "I don't know why you guys are facepalming, it's an airship... it carries airships... airship carrier." - Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 278 "Full derp mode, engage!" - Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 279 "Its paracord? So, I can use this for bungee jumping?" -Lowco2525 [LootCrate Unboxing] 280 "A wand!?!? Wingardium Leviosa!" - Lowco2525 [Pillars of Eternity] 281 "RealityCrunch, it's LeviOOsa, not LeviosAAA! Get it right!" - Lowco2525 282 "You know what they say, a second saved is a second earned" -Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 283 "Wait! I'm a destroyer? I didn't even know that." - Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 284 "I know, because, I know the curvature of the torpedos." - Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 285 "Addy, get your mind out of the microwave!" - Lowco2525 [Patreon Drawings] 286 "Dego protect me, Dongercreed is trying to eat my donger lowcoCry " -RipSwagGaming 287 "I want to eat a Realitycrunch, Aspacepie and Sushiiiiiii, Hug a Degobear, Use Ceekaysmash as a cologne, While playing Blackjack161 at a casino, Drive a Darthriordan and watch the movie Jbrwokeyruges" -Minuteman781 288 "I think your booteh's haunted." - Lowco2525 to Koekiemonstr [H1Z1] 289 "I can't waste any arrows. Ahh! I'm out of arrows!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 290 "I'm on the toilet, lets go!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 291 "Hi lowco, welcome to your stream. @Blackjack161 will be your troll for this evening. Would you like to see a menu?" - Maddened96 292 "I'm not Rambo. I'm the Terminator. Come with me if you want to live. I am the Terminator. Get to the choppa!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1 BR] 293 "Dammit, I just ate my cover." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 294 "Where are my hands going!?" -Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 295 "How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus? Ten tickles" - Milky_joe_ 296 " One time... I looked at the mods booties. lowcoBlush " -Lowco2525 297 "OH MAI GAWD, Narsil and Koekie are the cutest mods evar! lowcoLove " -JDFandango 298 "You are pretty for a girl." -Snowflakeman69 299 "He did a Spiderman on my face." -Lowco2525 [RB6: Siege] 300 "Whats up guys! I'm friendly, also I am drun- tipsy, TIPSY! I'm tipsy!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] [There'll be more lowcoFail.. stay tuned]
[Part 3] 301 "Everybody just please Dego." -Lowco2525 302 "Did you find that guy's sack, Lowco?" -LittleVivian [H1Z1] 303 "That little pansy-butt!" -Lowco2525 [World of Warships] 304 "Are these legit, like, giant ass planes?" -Lowco2525 [GTAV] 305 "You ASS... FACE... TURD!" -Lowco2525 [MKX] 306 "Who thought that they were gonna make out? Who thought that that was gonna be a cool scene?" - Lowco2525 [MKX] 307 "Oh look, there are some fireman... or they might be strippers, I'm not sure." -Lowco2525 [GTAV] 308 "I don't think I can selfie my butt." -Lowco2525 [GTAV] 309 "Look at that guy's balls." -Lowco2525 [DD2] 310 "We gotta give some love to this side of our area." -Lowco2525 [DD2] 311 "I get lost a lot, but I have a good sense of general direction" -Lowco2525 #Oxymorons lowcoLost 312 "Am I the fat one?" -Lowco2525 [GTAV] 313 "I love being a grill, it lets me bring out my inner grill... and my outer grill." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 314 "My booteh is bugged!" -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 315 "The FBI must have bugged Lowco's booteh... the Federal Booty Inspectors Kappa " -DrMorningWoody 316 "I like this song, it's about bacon." -Lowco2525 [Verdun] 317 "Where's my gun?! [punching] WHERE'S MY GUN!!?!?!" - Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 318 "I have an extreme aversion to marshmallows... wait, mushrooms. lowcoF1 " -Lowco2525 319 "They won't stop poking me with their swords!" -Lowco2525 [The Witcher 2] 320 "I don't have very many friends." -Lowco2525 [The Witcher 2] 321 "Do we have to fight everytime? Don't you guys get sick of this?" -Lowco2525 [The Witcher 2] 322 "Use your THING!!! Why won't you use your thing!? lowcoRage " -Lowco2525 [The Witcher 2] 323 "I don't like cars, I am just really bad at using them." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 324 "Lowco what did you do to your voice PogChamp You actually sound like a woman now Kappa " -Philou0217 [New Razer Mic] 325 "I'm not gonna mess with a man in his underwear." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 326 "Its not like there is any grass... Oh God, there is a lot of grass!" -Lowco2525 327 "I think I need finger transplant surgery" -Lowco2525 328 "He looks kinda pregnant" -Lowco2525 329 "Kill it! In the butt! DIE!" -Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 330 "Cluck for your Queen!" -Zcotticus [Reign of Kings] 331 "Don't mind the javelin in my butt." -Lowco2525 [Reign of Kings] 332 "There might be some more twerking occuring, so stick around!" -Lowco2525 333 "I haven't seen any invisible animals" -Lowco2525 lowcoF1 [Rust] 334 "You stripped him naked!?" -Lowco2525 "Not naked, just kinda naked." -OdysseyGrrrl [Rust] 335 "We can never have enough butts." -Lowco2525 336 "I don't want to wear any clothes, they're cramping my style." -Lowco2525 [Rust] 337 "Some hi-res butts in this game!" PogChamp -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 338 "I'm a freak too" -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 339 "Hide your pants" -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 340 "I have friends, I have... errr..." -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 341 "Am I crazy?" -Lowco2525 342 "Why fight them when I can just zip zip zippity zoo" - Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 343 "I'm just good at this game" -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 344 "I'm the spoilers Queen, Dego" -Philou0217 345 "Howd she do that? I looked away. Hear funny noises & she's done. Dammit!" -Jbrwokyruges 346 "Everybody is a turd" -Jackarl 347 "We mods know all, we just choose to forget most of it to make life more interesting Kappa " -TastyTofuSoup 348 "I'm ridiculous" -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 349 "Ahh mah gawd! That's a butt! That's a butt right there!" -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 350 "You have to pass the, uh, booty inspection. You guys can go at it." -Lowco2525 [H1Z1] 351 "Lowco lives in the State of Confusion" -GlamazonVal 352 "I was openly swinging my crowbar" -Lowco2525 [Arma 3: Breaking Point] 353 "I killed someone that wasn't a team mate!" - Lowco2525 354 "Why'd she kiss me?! I dumped that psycho!" - Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 355 "Oh God, I killed an innocent again." -Lowco2525 [Witcher 3] 356 "You want me to willingly eat the dinosaur poop? I mean, I'm gonna do it" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 357 "I haven't pooped in a while" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 358 "I poop when I get nervous" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 359 "JESUS! Why does my own poop scare me?" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 360 "I leveled and I pooped. I pooped and I leveled. I leveled and celebrated with a poop." -Lowco2525 [ARK: Survival Evolved] 361 "You know you can put things inside Dego?" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 362 "My clothes are gone!" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 363 "I just pooped in the sky, I hope it landed on someone's head!" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 364 " lowcoF1 L lowcoF1 O lowcoF1 W lowcoF1 C lowcoF1 O lowcoF1 2 lowcoF1 5 lowcoF1 2 lowcoF1 5 lowcoF1 " -ASpacePie 365 "I want the drugs!" -Lowco2525 [ARK] 366 "I have ideas... I think." -Lowco2525 [Batman: Arkham City] 367 "I named my Stego "Apollo", because he's big and noisy, but doesn't do anything useful" -vr++m [Ark: Survival Evolved] 368 "I never heard of Monkey Island" -Lowco2525 [Steam Summer Sale 2015] 369 "Gotta climb up the horse's butt" -Lowco2525 [Batman: Arkham City] 370 "I don't run a tyranny at all!" -Lowco2525 371 "Of course I freakin' miss 'cos I suck!" - Lowco2525 [Fallout] 372 "Getting lost in my own Vault, how embarrassing. lowcoLost " -Lowco2525 [Fallout] 373 "I gotta kill these people" -Lowco2525, Slayer of Innocents [Fallout] 374 "I hope we don't hit a civilian. That would be funny! But also bad." -Lowco2525 [Fallout] 375 "Meanwhile, Lowco is trapped beneath a box IRL" -elpandajerk [H1Z1] 376 "Guys lowcoPls 2525 is clearly the amount of shots Lowco2525 has to take before she hits the target once" - Moffdawwwg [2015] lowcoRIP 377 "The next game that I have the opportunity to kill you guys, I will you know, it's like you get multiple chances" -Lowco2525 [Guild of Dungeoneering] 378 *singing* "Poncho poncho poncho, I made it out of clay! ... Wait ... that doesn't sound right..." -Taco2525 [Rocket League] 379 "Really, CeeKay, am I just your sloppy seconds? After you get done, uh, get done playing with koekie?" -Lowco2525 [Rocket league] 380 "Im actually good at this game" -Lowco2525 381 "It's 'cause I'm the weakest. They go for the weakest link." - Lowco2525 [Fallout 2] 382 "At the bottom of Lowco's food pyramid is the tears of her victims" - Miggytron 383 "Wow I did not shoot my teammate. I'm actually impressed with myself" -Lowco2525 [Fallout 2] 384 "This thing is like a tiger claw. I feel like a tiger, rarrr. Raaarrrrr." -Lowco2525 [Karambit unboxing] 385 "I just cut the cheese" - Lowco2525 [Bioshock 1] 386 " Someone is going to die to fall damage here...mark my words” -Maddened96 [H1Z1 BR, shortly before mountain death] 387 "Dude, I love the stuff I say." -Narsiltheblade 388 "Oh! I'm on fire! Shit!" - Lowco2525 [H1Z1 BR, while burning] 389 "I'm gonna cut him!" -Lowco2525 [To 10 year-old Butch - Fallout 3] 390 "Did I just drink out of the toilet? Did I just drink out of the TOILET?!?!?!" -Lowco2525 [Fallout 3] 391 "Oh my god, it hit me so hard, it went into third person mode!" - Lowco2525 [Fallout 3] 392 "Spoilers are for cars, not Twitch" -Eljaroo #NoSpoilers 393 "I think people will still accept me for my wenis size." -Lowco2525 394 "Really! Any of those! I'm not pickie! Oh... oh no.. not those!" - Lowco2525 [H1Z1 Crate Opening] 395 "I'm not saying hi to any of you guys! Jesus!" -Lowco2525 [ lowcoRage ] 396 "I look like i just got out of bed and had to shoot some shit." -Lowco2525 (FONV) 397 "Now I have RipSwag on my friendslist for nothing?" -Koekiemonstr [H1Z1 5 man BR] 398 "Bombs on my body" - Lowco2525 [H1Z1 BR] 399 "Woohoo oho ho, come on! Sing it, guys! Sing it like you mean it!" - Lowco2525 400 "I shot him so many times he was bleeding out of his butthole! lowcoRage " -Lowco2525 [H1Z1]