Looney Bin Travel Guidebook

Discussion in 'Books' started by Clumsywise, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. Clumsywise

    Clumsywise Lurker

    (Hey, guys.
    You might soon be asking "What the hell?" or "Huh?"
    It's a fictional book purportedly written twenty-something years ago about present day Twitch/Looney Bin but without any kind of awareness of the anachronism/misdating.

    I know the following isn't going to make any sense -- neither logically nor temporally -- but play along.
    If we all believe hard enough, it can be real.
    Because truth is both subjective and collective.
    It takes a minimum of two people believing in something to make it a fact.
    So, get to believin'.)

    Hey, guys.
    I was at my local library and found quite the interesting book in the reference section.
    It appears to be a Travel Guide published in 1992 about the Looney Bin as a country on some ambiguous continent
    that somehow overlaps with the United States.
    Curious indeed.

    Sadly, it appears nobody ever borrowed the book based on the lack of dates on the due card.
    It's a fairly beaten up paperback, and the pages are yellowed.
    It also came with a supplementary cassette tape with audio passages.
    I scanned the book and digitized the tape (the copyright is lapsed, and it's in the public domain).
    Then I made an e-reader with the audio portions as clickable hotspots to make listening to them easier.

    (Hey, you in the back. Yeah, YOU. I see you. You're not believing hard enough! Believe harder!)

    It's reasonably interesting and short enough. You should read it if you have the time.

    Read it here (~6.2MB)

    You can change the page using the pop-up at the bottom-middle of the screen, clicking the edges of the screen, or using
    the left and right arrow keys. There's a volume control in the bottom-middle as well.
    You can return to the Table of Contents using the button at the top-middle of the screen.

    If you don't want the interactive digital form, you can download a zip file with just the JPEGs here (~3MB).

    (Still believing? Good. Just continue doing that for the rest of your life, or the concept of reality will cease to have meaning.
    Also, I was surprised how legibly I was able to write with my left hand.)
  2. DrMorningWoody

    DrMorningWoody Moderator Moderator

    Where can I get a copy of "Anata wa no hou ga saru yori kusai desu: And 1,500 Other Ways to Get Punched in the Face When Visiting Japan"?
    Jbrwokyruges likes this.
  3. DegoBear

    DegoBear Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Fantastic work, simply hilarious! :D
  4. Lowco2525

    Lowco2525 Administrator Staff Member Moderator WebSub Twitch Sub

    My god that was an amazing read. 100/10
  5. Jackarl

    Jackarl Confused

    That was great, haha. :D
  6. Jbrwokyruges

    Jbrwokyruges Moderator Moderator

    That is wonderful work. I love the sound bites integrated into it.
  7. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Okay that was awesome!!!
  8. Aladdad1

    Aladdad1 Lurker

    Hahahaha this is amazing! :D

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