Space Dan Art

Discussion in 'Graphics and Art' started by SpaceDan, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

    Hi loonies this is my most recent art :p

    Attached Files:

  2. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

  3. Great Stuff!!!
    SpaceDan likes this.
  4. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  5. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  6. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Ah yes. mhm... I see... the famous Lowco Lisa

  7. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

    Hahaha pls!! :D
    AndreBauscher likes this.
  8. DegoBear

    DegoBear Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    She's not frowning, she's just in focus mode Kappa
  9. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Can you draw me like one of your French grills? Kappa
    AndreBauscher and SpaceDan like this.
  10. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

    :eek: Kappa
  11. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  12. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  13. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  14. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Excellent work man!
    SpaceDan likes this.
  15. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Grill!!! DogeChamp
    SpaceDan likes this.
  16. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    Thief Keepo
  17. SpaceDan

    SpaceDan Lurker

  18. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Needs more polygons ConcernDego
    SpaceDan likes this.
  19. Harley_Quinns

    Harley_Quinns Fresh Meat

    Oh my goodness! These are so good! what program do you use?
  20. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    AspaceProgram [​IMG]
    SpaceDan and SuperMegaPunch like this.

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