So what is your favorite game(s)? Any genre and date. Be it the original pong or GTA V. I personally can't really think of a game that is above all others but Civilization 3 is a game that i have played and enjoyed on and off since i bought it in 5th grade. Arma 2 and Garrys Mod will also always have a special place in my heart, even though i dont enjoy them as much as i did anymore.
Suikoden and Suikoden 2. Those two games have completely changed the way that I appreciate character development. They are literally the most in depth I've ever gotten into a game. Skyrim is becoming a close second. I'm playing through it on stream for the first time and loving it.
Tough call for me. Skyrim, Fallout 3, the Uncharted serie or TLoU. I had so much fun with all those games. I can't really pick one!
Fallout 2 will always be my #1 just because of the amount of time me and some of my friends spent in that game, even now after not playing it for years I could probably tell you where you can get every weapon and armour haha. If i don't count Fallout then Final Fantasy X, Diablo 2 and more recently Dragon Age: Inquisition are all up there, I realise FFX might not be the most popular choice with a lot of people however dat sphere grid yo!
Probably Super Metroid on SNES. So many memories from that game. The music.. So many options to complete it.. A Classic.
I'd have to say WoW. Granted it kinda lost it's touch for me over the years but everytime i go back to it i still have fun. I made a ton of friends in that game that i still play games with, it's the game I have the most playtime in, it used to be challenging etc. I could keep going .
God....the hours I have sunk into that game...Omg I love that game. Will always go down as one of my favorites.
So many great games through the years, I think I'll do them by genre Adventure: Monkey Island, or possibly Zak McKracken Racing: Need for Speed: Underground. Also has one of the best soundtracks in the history of gaming Shoot em up: Galaga Deluxe, probably one of the games I've spent most hours in Hack n Slash: Nothing beats good old D2 RPG: Skyrim, original, or modded to destruction... RTS: C&C: Generals (+zero hour expansion) FPS (multiplayer): Counter-Strike or Operation Flashpoint, depending on what mood you're in. FPS (single player): Max Payne, one of the few games that I've played start to finish almost without breaks. MMO: Lord of the Rings Online. The game that got me hooked for 4 years straight, and still makes me log in every now and then. Honourable mentions: Wing Commander (the original one), for creating a new standard for story driven games. BF1942, first game to properly "open up" the world of the FPS Half-Life, for taking the storytelling in FPS games away from cut-scenes, and in to the player.
This question makes my beard fall off It is a single player RPG even though I have alot more hours in multiplayer games. It turns out I am not original in any way what so ever when it comes to favorite games becouse I would say my 10/10 games are: Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, Fallout 2 Baldur's Gate and maaaaayyybe the first Resident Evil becouse when I played that for the first time my gaming-horizon widened greatly and I'm a real sucker for everything horror. If I'm honest my opinion of these games might be enhanced by nostalgia but I do remember absolutely loving each one when I played them the first couple of times.
I've had a lot of favorites at one time or other but the ones that stuck with me: Mac/Apple Games Oregon Trail The Marathon Series PC System Shock 2 The Civilization series by Sid Meier Elder Scrolls Series (technically bought this on Xbox 360 too) Xbox/Xbox 360 Knights of the Old Republic Call of Duty: World at War Mass Effect 2 Fallout 3 Red Dead Redemption Halo 3 PS3 Uncharted Series