Your favorite game?

Discussion in 'General Game Talk' started by Garfour, May 2, 2015.

  1. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    So what is your favorite game(s)?

    Any genre and date. Be it the original pong or GTA V.

    I personally can't really think of a game that is above all others but Civilization 3 is a game that i have played and enjoyed on and off since i bought it in 5th grade.
    Arma 2 and Garrys Mod will also always have a special place in my heart, even though i dont enjoy them as much as i did anymore.
  2. Halios00

    Halios00 Lurker

    Suikoden and Suikoden 2. Those two games have completely changed the way that I appreciate character development. They are literally the most in depth I've ever gotten into a game. Skyrim is becoming a close second. I'm playing through it on stream for the first time and loving it.
  3. Sadacchi

    Sadacchi Lurker

    All-time favorite is Xenogears.
  4. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    Tough call for me. Skyrim, Fallout 3, the Uncharted serie or TLoU. I had so much fun with all those games. I can't really pick one! :D
  5. Moffdawwwg

    Moffdawwwg Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    Fallout 2 will always be my #1 just because of the amount of time me and some of my friends spent in that game, even now after not playing it for years I could probably tell you where you can get every weapon and armour haha. If i don't count Fallout then Final Fantasy X, Diablo 2 and more recently Dragon Age: Inquisition are all up there, I realise FFX might not be the most popular choice with a lot of people however dat sphere grid yo! :eek:
  6. Jackarl

    Jackarl Confused

    Probably Super Metroid on SNES. So many memories from that game. The music.. So many options to complete it.. A Classic.
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  7. Koekiemonstr

    Koekiemonstr Nomnomnom Staff Member Moderator

    I'd have to say WoW. Granted it kinda lost it's touch for me over the years but everytime i go back to it i still have fun. I made a ton of friends in that game that i still play games with, it's the game I have the most playtime in, it used to be challenging etc. I could keep going . :)
  8. Tworan

    Tworan Lurker

    favourite game is devil may cry 5(4 & 3), I like it because you don't have to think much, just kill :D
  9. Halios00

    Halios00 Lurker

    God....the hours I have sunk into that game...Omg I love that game. Will always go down as one of my favorites.
    Sadacchi likes this.
  10. chrisdash

    chrisdash Lurker

    Can't decide between Jagged Alliance 2 and Fallout
  11. Justeri55

    Justeri55 Fresh Meat

    Dark Souls games have always been my favorites.
  12. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    I can't handle those games, neither can my keyboard.
  13. vr00mfondel

    vr00mfondel Moderator Moderator

    So many great games through the years, I think I'll do them by genre

    Adventure: Monkey Island, or possibly Zak McKracken
    Racing: Need for Speed: Underground. Also has one of the best soundtracks in the history of gaming
    Shoot em up: Galaga Deluxe, probably one of the games I've spent most hours in
    Hack n Slash: Nothing beats good old D2
    RPG: Skyrim, original, or modded to destruction...
    RTS: C&C: Generals (+zero hour expansion)
    FPS (multiplayer): Counter-Strike or Operation Flashpoint, depending on what mood you're in.
    FPS (single player): Max Payne, one of the few games that I've played start to finish almost without breaks.
    MMO: Lord of the Rings Online. The game that got me hooked for 4 years straight, and still makes me log in every now and then.

    Honourable mentions:
    Wing Commander (the original one), for creating a new standard for story driven games.
    BF1942, first game to properly "open up" the world of the FPS
    Half-Life, for taking the storytelling in FPS games away from cut-scenes, and in to the player.
  14. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    This question makes my beard fall off :confused:
    It is a single player RPG even though I have alot more hours in multiplayer games.
    It turns out I am not original in any way what so ever when it comes to favorite games becouse I would say my 10/10 games are:
    Final Fantasy VII,
    Chrono Trigger,
    Fallout 2
    Baldur's Gate
    and maaaaayyybe the first Resident Evil becouse when I played that for the first time my gaming-horizon widened greatly and I'm a real sucker for everything horror.

    If I'm honest my opinion of these games might be enhanced by nostalgia but I do remember absolutely loving each one when I played them the first couple of times.
  15. Darthriordan

    Darthriordan Lurker

    I've had a lot of favorites at one time or other but the ones that stuck with me:

    Mac/Apple Games
    Oregon Trail
    The Marathon Series

    System Shock 2
    The Civilization series by Sid Meier
    Elder Scrolls Series (technically bought this on Xbox 360 too)

    Xbox/Xbox 360
    Knights of the Old Republic
    Call of Duty: World at War
    Mass Effect 2
    Fallout 3
    Red Dead Redemption
    Halo 3

    Uncharted Series

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