Lowco in The West Marches

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by TheHoundsGamer, May 16, 2015.

  1. TheHoundsGamer

    TheHoundsGamer Fresh Meat

    I may be alone in this but along with watching Lowco on Twitch I also watch the rollplay The West Marches on Itmejp's channel. I would like to see Lowco on the show once to rollplay. I think this would be very entertaining. I know that schedules might not work out or Lowco may just not want to do it but I'm just throwing it out there as something different and fun for Lowco to do.
  2. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    I agree, thought i think she has already said that she dosen't feel like doing it, but one can hope.
  3. Moffdawwwg

    Moffdawwwg Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    I think you're more likely to see Lowco with 100% shot accuracy than you are seeing her on West Marches :D
  4. DegoBear

    DegoBear Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Maybe down the road, but as it stands I don't think it is something Lowco feels comfortable doing, even if JP approached her.
  5. TastyTofuSoup

    TastyTofuSoup Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    If you're not confident with the idea of roleplaying, doing it for the first time with thousands of people watching is probably a daunting thought :p
  6. Halios00

    Halios00 Lurker

    If anyone is interested in starting up a roleplaying group, let me know! I would love to get some DnD action going and maybe we could talk Lowco into getting her feet wet with a smaller group before she makes the big time!
  7. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    Always wanted to try out DnD but never found a group, i'm in if anyone can organize the stuff.
  8. Halios00

    Halios00 Lurker

    Sounds good to me! ANyone else interested? Was thinking of using Table Top Simulator!
  9. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    Roll20 seems better for roleplay games, pluss its free!
  10. Halios00

    Halios00 Lurker

    Ok, that sounds good :D

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