My poem for the Loonies

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ChristopherClink, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Hey Loonies!

    I've had a rough time lately and I wanted to do something for you lot as I love the community so much but wasn't quite sure of what to do! So I thought I would make you a quick poem to have a read! I'm a bit of a noob though :p but I hope you enjoy it!

    The queen of the Looney Bin whose name is Lowco,
    Protects and defends with an aim of a potato!
    Her Mods who keep control of chat,
    I bow down to you taking of my hat!
    All other streamers should be very afraid,
    As when her work is done she sends us on a raid!
    The Loonies fight strong with a lot of force,
    While we overpower your chat of course!
    As life goes on we will endeavour,
    The Looney Bin will be a family forever!
    Sunshines of happiness that falls from the heavens above,
    Is the Loonies spreading lowcoLove.

  2. Jackarl

    Jackarl Confused

    I like it! :D
    Good vibes!
    ChristopherClink likes this.
  3. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Nooooice one! And good vibes to you! Glad to have you in the community! :)
    ChristopherClink likes this.
  4. Lowco2525

    Lowco2525 Administrator Staff Member Moderator WebSub Twitch Sub

    Nice Christopher!
    ChristopherClink likes this.
  5. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    Glad you put lowcoAim in that. Sounds perfect. :D
    ChristopherClink likes this.
  6. Haha Philou! Yeah I wanted a word to rhyme with Lowco and potato was the closest I could think of.

    I'm glad you guys enjoy it! The first poem I've made lol!
  7. Wildfire1993

    Wildfire1993 Fresh Meat

    Nice one Chistopher, awesome poem :D
    ChristopherClink likes this.

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