So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Garfour, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    Well it's been a fun year with the loonies, but as the guy on the corner told me a week back "The End is Nigh". Next week I'm leaving for the army and since I fear the gaming possibilities on the Russian border are not up to par I'm afraid I won't be around for a while.

    But it's been a fun time, be it giving ridealongs in Arma 3, axing questions in DayZ or giving away free backpacks in H1Z1. Whatever it is the loonies do it best. So keep having fun and game on.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    Belovedof_CTHULHU likes this.
  2. Tworan

    Tworan Lurker

    See you soon my friend!! LowcoCry
  3. Good luck Garfour and we will miss you! You will always be a Looney! :)
  4. Koekiemonstr

    Koekiemonstr Nomnomnom Staff Member Moderator

    Good luck Garfour! <3 Dem Arma feels :'(
  5. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Take care, Garfour!
  6. Lowco2525

    Lowco2525 Administrator Staff Member Moderator WebSub Twitch Sub

    Garfour! Good luck with everything and I hope you can come by the channel at some point. So many good times gaming. RIP Melvin :p
  7. Jackarl

    Jackarl Confused

    Take care and good luck, Garfour!
  8. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    Take care Garfour and see you later!

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