7pm PST - GTA5 PC?

Discussion in 'LFG' started by Darthriordan, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Darthriordan

    Darthriordan Lurker

    Anyone available to get some heists done let me know here, in the Stream Chat, or via a PM.

    Look forward to failing spectacularly with you!
    Lowco2525 likes this.
  2. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    I'm up for anything, as long it's a loonie I don't mind failing a hundred times. Hate retrying with new randoms over and over.

    Anyone just send me an invite.
    Lowco2525 and Darthriordan like this.
  3. FearlessGuster

    FearlessGuster Fresh Meat

    We successfully pulled off the first heist last night, not even GTA bugs could stop us. Would love to do more with the Loonie crew!
    Lowco2525 and Darthriordan like this.
  4. Darthriordan

    Darthriordan Lurker

    Yes, the first heist was a "spectacular" success last night. The survival matches that followed were fairly epic though.

    Any time you see me on send me an invite.

    Cozy, don't know what was happening with the connection. Every time I tried to connect to your session it timed out.
  5. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    yeah it was heavy derpmode tonight. Atleast we got couple of missions done :)
  6. Lowco2525

    Lowco2525 Administrator Staff Member Moderator WebSub Twitch Sub

    Glad you guys were able to get together and have some fun :) That's what I'm hoping the forums and the crew page can be used for :D
    Darthriordan likes this.
  7. chrisdash

    chrisdash Lurker

    Anyone up for some heists today? I have unlocked them now but haven't done any yet!

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