It's a meee.... Mario... um André

Discussion in 'Welcome Wagon' started by AndreBauscher, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    So since it's my second month anniversary today I guess I should start to introduce myself. :)

    I'm André, 28 years old, from Berlin, Germany.

    I joined Lowco and the lovely Looney Bin during one of the BR coop streams with JP and have a great time since. :)

    In rl I work as a media designer and I'm into all kinds of "nerd" and media stuff like movies, comics and even "old school" things like books.

    Gamingwise I mostly enjoy RPG's, point and click- and action adventures. :)
  2. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    Hey Andre :)

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