Hello and welcome Loonies to the official Rocket League Tournament thread! As Lowco stated during the stream, she wants to do a tournament with the community! As many of you may have guessed, that requires a couple of teams. So use this thread to create teams with your friends! (Or simply asking Jackarl to be on your team Kappa) and chat about the tournament! Tournament details: When? During the week-end so this way we guess that most people are going to be available. Date? TBA Size of teams? It's going to be 3 vs 3. Pick your teammates wisely! Series will be best of 3. (Bracketed according to Lowco) Start your engine and ready those MLG skills!
Hey guys Alexgaming here I am a pro gamer and pls team with me my steam is steamcommunity.com/afafafafafafauhgajhgagaag/
Anybody want to team up with a scrub nub at the game I'm all for it. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sillybellossom/
Hey guys! I'm looking to team up with people for the Rocket league event. I am awesome and a pro so pls add me on steam! steamcommunity.eafgs;ktjas;rktghsrkgthr;osthr;
Hey guys! I'm looking for people spending me a PC for the Rocket league event. I think I will be awesome and pro, so please send me a gaming PC, so I can run this game!
What time zone are people in? I'm in Alaska which is GMT -8 I think. I'd wouldn't mind getting together with peeps who can play the same time as me so we could practice together if we're going to be on the same team. We can come up with strategies and defeat Lowco. mwuhahahahahaha!!! Kappa
I would like to join a team, I'm really good in euhmm scoring (own goals, enemy goal) & killing other players. I'm usually home before lowco starts streaming.
I'm probably one of the first to post a serious comment (No Kappa). I'm a level 36 mage.. i mean veteran looking for a team. You can email me your CV and application... i mean add me on steam or something. http://steamcommunity.com/id/MrAdonexus/