Lowcogachi: Virtual Pet

Discussion in 'Graphics and Art' started by Clumsywise, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Clumsywise

    Clumsywise Lurker

    (I'm going to slip this in here while everyone is
    distracted by Puppy Hype.
    Shhh. Stealthy.)

    Hey, remember the late 1990s?
    There was this fad that lasted exactly three months that involved
    LCD keychains with virtual pets. They were called Tamagotchi.
    It was all the rage with the childrens.
    Well, here's a rough approximation of/for the Looney Bin.

    Click Here to go to the Lowcogachi (~2.6MB)

    In all honesty, I don't remember making this thing.
    At work, they have transitioned me to 72 hour days for non-specific but rather globally concerning reasons.
    But apparently I did make it.
    Because it exists. Apparently.

    Despite being called Lowcogachi, a pixel Lowco does not actually appear in the Virtual Pet.
    Because the Egg Buddy dies after 36 minutes. No matter what. That is its entire life cycle.
    Plus it would be creepy and weird.

    The reason it is called Lowcogachi is because the words Lowco and Tamagotchi fit together.
    In Japanese, Tamagotchi is a combination of the words Tamago (egg) and Tomodachi (friend).
    The equivalent in English would be Frieggnd.
    Or Palbumen. Or Albumensch.
    You can't jam the words Tamagotchi, Egg, or Friend into Looney Bin.
    Loonegg Bin? No. That doesn't work.

    I'm not going to give you instructions.
    I'll let you discover it like I did.
    By playing with it.
    And by reading the messy Javascript file and trying to figure out what I was thinking.
    I'm just kidding.

    Here are some instructions:
    Clicking the left and right buttons on the Lowcogachi will change which icon or option is selected.
    The different icons do different things for the care of your Egg Buddy.
    The center button selects an option.
    Your Virtual Pet is known as an Egg Buddy.
    It starts as an egg and soon hatches.
    You must care for your Egg Buddy by feeding it,
    cleaning its waste, playing with it, and letting it sleep.

    At certain intervals it will grow up to a new stage of life.
    It will turn into a new type of Egg Buddy.
    You can check the type of the Egg Buddy by looking at the status meters.
    Depending on how you raised your Egg Buddy thus far, it will transform into
    different kinds of Egg Buddies.
    There is a secret Egg Buddy that you can find by doing a specific thing at
    to a specific Egg Buddy.

    There is sound, but it is muted by default.
    The sound is designed to be annoying. Thanks, past me.
    You can unmute it by clicking the Sound Toggle in the upper left corner.

    You can kill your Egg Buddy by neglecting it.
    Your egg buddy gets sick if you don't clean up after it, if it gets too hungry or too bored,
    or if you feed it too much junk food.
    If it remains sick for too long, it dies.
    You can cure its sickness by giving it medicine.
    If you give it medicine while it is healthy, it will become sick.
    If you do this too many times, you kill your Egg Buddy. You monster.

    Your Egg Buddy will eventually reach old age and die.
    With an actual Tamagotchi, this process would take days of real time.
    The Lowcogachi is time compressed, and the life cycle is 36 minutes.

    When your Egg Buddy dies, or if you want to start over, you can reset the Lowcogachi by pressing the reset button.
    The Lowcogachi remembers its state when you close the window and will attempt to restore the state when you next open the Lowcogachi.
    It may not always work.

    The Lowcogachi runs whenever it is the active window.
    Meaning that if you change to a different tab, it may pause.
    However, if it is the active window and you change to another program or window instance, it will continue to run.
    But this seems to be random based on browser compatibility.

    (If you get bored, you can use the keyboard shortcuts to jump to the
    different types of Egg Buddy. Hold Shift and Press 0-9.
    I left them in to test the animations, so
    it will mess with the Egg Buddy. If you want to actually play with it after
    you jump to another type, you need to reset back to the egg.
    We all know you just want to jump to FeelsBadMan: Shift+6.)

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015

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