I'd like to see some more peeps on this server. I know we have our regulars but how would people feel about advertising the server a bit? I'd like to know what Lowco and MORGsmash have to say.
hey Birdor, just saw this. I guess my question would be what you had in mind for advertising. And Lowco has final say on whether to do that of course. regardless of that tho, I would like to let our own Loonies that quit/left know that law and order has been restored (at least as far as I can tell) and they can safely return if they want.
Eljaroo is coming! That's what I was thinking too MORGsmash. I'd like to see more loonies back online and surviving I don't really have any ideas on other advertising. The only thing i've seen is a sub-reddit for server but then I thought "Do I really want to play with redditors I don't know?" and I was like NAAAAAAWWWWWW. So I just wanna see more loonies on.
I don't know about others but im kinda waiting for some more optimization, playing this game with shitty gfx and potato fps made me die a lil inside.
I know Koekie! I want to try the server again since Morg pick it up but the optimization still is a huge let down for me. Might still give it a try.
they have made alot of optimization improvements actually guys. Also, for those of you with Nvidia cards, there's a new Nvidia driver - Official NVIDIA Driver for ARK Perf Gains (with Sky enabled): http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/87783
I played some earlier this week after installing win10, it runs a bit better yes but still not to the point where i wanna sink alot of hours into it.
The overall FPS improved, but im still getting FPS drops. It was those FPS drops that got a couple of my dinos killed etc so untill these get fixed i dont wanna bother ;-).
Oh, I understand that. I was having huge FPS drops too. I moved the game to my SSD and that fixed it a little but when the game loads in some stuff in a new area it'll drop. Totally understand!