This or That game

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by OdysseyGrrrl, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. vr00mfondel

    vr00mfondel Moderator Moderator

    Force Lightning, because Dark side = best side

    TeamSpeak or Mumble?
  2. Tworan

    Tworan Lurker

    TeamSpeak because I used it for years

    headset or headphones + mic on the side?

    @vr00mfondel you where just seconds ahead of me and I had the same question:).
  3. Headphones cus I need my headphones

    Ak47 or Music
  4. Garfour

    Garfour Lurker

    Depends on the situation. Can't kill anyone with music,but then again never had the need to kill anyone, but can't really chill to the sound of an AK47. I'm going with Music because generally in my life i have had more need for that than an AK.

    Whisky or Vodka?
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
  5. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Whiskey I never really cared for vodka

    Never having to sleep or never having to eat?
  6. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Never having to sleep so that I can eat more. Kappa

    Zombieapocalypse or Robo(a)pocalypse?
  7. CozyBeard

    CozyBeard Lurker

    Zombieapocalypse so I can be a zombie and eat AspacePie for real.

    Fallout in 2d(1 & 2) or 3d(3 + Las Vegas)?
  8. unlimitedjt

    unlimitedjt Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    3d because 3 and NV are the only fallout games I've played

    Cake or Pie?
  9. TonyPony187

    TonyPony187 Lurker

    Pie by far! Pumpkin and apple are the best

    Marvel or DC?
  10. Cicero_Wolfe

    Cicero_Wolfe Fresh Meat

    Marvel! I love X-Men, the Punisher and Deadpool.

    Skater hat Lowco or Pikachu hat Lowco haha
    TonyPony187 likes this.
  11. Aladdad1

    Aladdad1 Lurker

    Ooohh...Hard one, but i think i'll go with Pikachu hat because 25 Kappa

    Super Speed or Super Strength?
  12. AndreBauscher

    AndreBauscher Confused

    Super Speed. Huge Flash fan here.

    Halloween or Christmas?
  13. Philou0217

    Philou0217 Confused

    Halloween simply because as an employee in a grocery store, Christmas is hell! :D

    Boxing or UFC?
    AndreBauscher likes this.

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